Ping' em 1.0
Ping 'em pings each target, waits for responses and then pauses.
Statistics are shown for each cycle of send and receive.
Program is a single executable pingem.exe in Download the file and unzip the executable file to a folder.
Windows 2000 (Server), XP, 2003 Server
Please disable the Windows Firewall completely. You may be able use a third party firewall with Ping' em.
Start a Comand Prompt, navigate to the folder where you have unzipped pingem.exe, and run pingem from there.
You must be logged on as a user who is Computer Administrator or member of the administrators group on the computer in order to run Ping' em. This will probably be the case on your own home computer.
Windows Vista, 2008 Server, Windows 7
Start a Command Prompt as administrator.
Navigate to the folder where you have unzipped pingem.exe, and run pingem from there.
If you see this error message:
Unable to create raw socket
Error code: 10013 (271dh)
"An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. "
It is probably because you haven't started the Command Prompt as administrator.
You must be logged on as a user who is Computer Administrator or member of the administrators group on the computer in order to run Ping' em. This will probably be the case on your own home computer.
Ping' em is written in C++ and can be build with Microsoft Developer Studio version 6 or 7.
Source code is available for download in
You may also browse source code processed by Doxygen online here. (Opens a new browser window).
Statistics for each target are
- now
- The last response time in milliseconds. If target cannot be reached the last response is (*).
In log files unreachable responses have the value -1.
- minimum
- Minimum response time in milliseconds. If target cannot be reached the minimum response time is 0.
- average
- Average is the arithmetic mean of response times in milliseconds as defined in
If target cannot be reached the average response time is 0.
- maximum
- Maximum response time in milliseconds. If target cannot be reached the maximum response time is 0.
- Standard deviation as defined in
It is a measure of the spread out of the values.
- skipped
- Skipped is the count of packets not sent or responses not received.
- skip%
- Skip% is the percentage of responses of packets not sent or responses not received.
Ping' em only shows the last response time and statistics on screen. All responses can be logged in a file by specifying a log file.
pingem localhost -o pingem.log
Log file is created if it doesn't already exist and contains the time where the ping was sent, the target and the response in milliseconds:
Time/Target localhost
06/04/2005 14:04:46 0.3 1.5
06/04/2005 14:04:48 0.1 1.4
06/04/2005 14:04:50 0.1 1.3
Columns are separated by the tab character.
Date and responses are formatted according to the current Regional and Language Options in Windows.
Time is always in 24 hour format.
You may also have log files created for each hour of the day or each date of the month.
- -d or -daily
- Creates a log file for every day using the filename specified for logfile as
a pattern: filenameYYYYMMDD.ext
- YYYY is the 4 digit year, MM is the month and DD is the date.
- Example:
pingem localhost -do pingem.log
- creates or appends to the file pingem20050604.log on June 4, 2005
- -u or -hourly
- Creates a log file for every hour using the specified filename for log file
as a pattern: filenameYYYYMMDD_HH.ext
- YYYY is the 4 digit year, MM is the month, DD is the date and HH is the hour
- Example:
pingem localhost -uo pingem.log
- creates or appends to the file pingem20050604_14.log on June 4, 2005, 2PM
Targets can be specified on the command line and in a targets file.
A targets file is a text file with one target per line.
Targets on command line are parsed and added together with targets in file.
Ping' em Waits for packets to be sent and received and Pauses between sending.
pingem -w 5000 -p 15000 localhost
00:00 | Start sending and receiving |
00:05 | Stop sending and receiving |
00:05 | Pauses |
00:20 | Start sending and receiving |
00:25 | Stop sending and receiving |
00:25 | Pauses |
00:40 | Start sending and receiving |
00:45 | Stop sending and receiving |
00:45 | Pauses |
… | … |
Ping' em uses the available width of the Command Prompt to display as much as possible of long target names.
Long target names are clipped in the middle replacing clipped characters with **.
Here is the same Command Prompt as above with a larger width:
- -w ms, -timeout ms
- Time in milliseconds to wait while sending to and receiving from targets.
- Default value is 1000 ms.
- -p ms, -pause ms
- Time in milliseconds to pause between sending to and receiving from all
- Default value is 1000 ms.
- -n n, -count n
- Number of pings to send to each target. The default value 0 sets no limit to
the number of pings.
- -g filename, -targetsfile filename
- Reads targets from the specified file. One target name or ip per line.
- Targets in file are added to targets specified as parameters.
- -o filename, -logfile filename
- Sends output of each ping to the specified file.
- First line is a header with names of targets.
- Remaining lines contains date and time formatted according to the current
locale and the response time for each target.
- Columns are separated by the tab character.
- -d, -daily
- Creates a log file for every day using the filename specified for logfile as
a pattern: filenameYYYYMMDD.ext
- YYYY is the 4 digit year, MM is the month and DD is the date.
- -u, -hourly
- Creates a log file for every hour using the specified filename for logfile
as a pattern: filenameYYYYMMDD_HH.ext
- YYYY is the 4 digit year, MM is the month, DD is the date and HH is the hour
- -q, -quiet
- Quiet operation. Only errors terminating the application and their messages
are sent to console.
- -h, -help
- Show this option help text and exit.
- -?
- Show this option help text and exit.
- -exitcodes
- Show available exit codes.
- -license
- Show license information.
Program exit codes can be used in batch files.
- 0 : No errors occurred.
- 1 : Error in options or parameters.
- 2 : Runtime error occurred in network initialisation or usage.
- 3 : One or more target names could not be resolved.
- 4 : Error occurred while creating or writing to the log file.
- Ping' em 1.0 executable pingem.exe:
- Ping' em source code for Microsoft Developer Studio version 6 or 7:
- Ping' em source code processed by Doxygen online here. (Opens a new browser window).
Ping' em copyright Erik Frankenfeld
This program and the source code are free software. You may use, modify and
redistribute them at your own risk.
- Version 1.0 - June 26, 2005
- First public release.
Version 1.0
- July 9, 2005: Usage of unkown option, resembling known options with parameters, shows wrong error message.
- Example: pingem -licens displays an error on missing parameters for the count option.
- It should report that -licens is an invalid option.
Updated March 22., 2016
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